Keep up with the hottest hairstyles of “pint-sized” Hollywood.

Cozy Friedman, founder of
So Cozy products and Cozy’s Cuts for Kids, says, “Kids nowadays are so style conscious. In fact, kids (and parents) come into my salons everyday with pages torn out of magazines, asking for styles that the children of celebrities are sporting. I consider this trend part of what I call the ‘Mini Metro’ phenomenon on, a new wave of youthful image consciousness in which kids really want to look their best and learn how to style their hair themselves.”

Is your child is a spitting image of a celeb kid, such as Kingston Rossdale or Suri Cruise? If so, show Us!


Submit their photo for a chance to win a trip to New York City and a haircut and styling session courtesy of Cozy's Cuts for Kids.

To enter, email your child's photo, along with their full name, age and the celebrity child they most resemble and why - along with their parent or guardian's full name, address and daytime phone number, to Photos must be in JPG format and at least 640x480 pixels.

Thirty finalists will see their child's photo in an slideshow gallery, while one lucky winner will receive the grand prize: a trip to New York City, including airfare, one night’s stay at the Shoreham Hotel, a haircut and styling session for the child, a $500 shopping spree and dinner at Serendipity.