Out of the Box Giveaway CLOSED
Posted by Robin Haws on Friday, August 28, 2009
Under: Toys
One reader will win their choice of game from Out of the Box
The first line on the About Us page at Out of the Box Publishing reads,
"Games should be fun."
I completely agree! When you look at the huge assortment of games that Out of the Box offers, you can tell right away that they mean it. I love that their games are simple enough to learn quickly. It's also really nice to have a fun game that can be played from start to finish in under an hour.
Out of the Box Publishing has been giving us entertaining games for over ten years. They've won an impressive number of awards for their games. I think that the proof is in the box! With games like Party Pooper and Backseat Drawing your party will never be dull. I really want to try Backseat Drawing. It looks so funny.
"Two teams race to identify drawings done by their own team members. But the artists don’t know what they are drawing—they can only follow the instructions given by another team member."
Games where people have to take directions from others always end in laughter!
Out of the Box sent me Cineplexity.
I love this game. I have always prided myself on movie trivia. This game put me to the test. You draw two cards and have to think of a movie that includes elements from each card.
Can you think of a movie that has a Dance Sequence and Jocks, Nerds or Punks? How about a movie where the title consists of one word and the setting is The Future?
See how fun it can get? Hubby and I played this one for a while. It's a nice movie to just kick back and play with two people on the couch or really get into with a bunch of friends.
Click here to play an online demo of Cineplexity.
Out of the Box is the creator of the fun and popular party game Apples to Apples. They've got tons of other great games to keep you, your friends and family entertained all the time!
And, Out of the Box is offering one of my readers their choice of any game they carry!
Contest is open to US only and will end on August 31st
To enter: Fill out your name and email address in the easy entry form below.
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In : Toys
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