So, sometimes I like to go to the forums of Etsy and randomly click on sellers. It's more fun than doing categorized searches and I like to be surprised because I can't see their avatars. Here's a few really cool sellers I found during my recent random clicking...

ArtBox Designs
Ok, less of a random click and more of a cool seller from a forum thread. Still, definitely worthy of an Etsy Love nod! I love the jewelry sellers of Etsy and this one is really cool. In addition to the jewelry there's some fun vintage finds! They've also got some really cool sales and free shipping on all the fused glass! I love this pendant...

A total random click led me to ZeroPumpkin and now it's totally one of my fave stores! I love the artwork and these little dolls are just so awesome. Most of the creations really remind me of The Nightmare Before Christmas and that is just so cool. My son would love this...

I love love love the pendants and other jewelry at Artful Goodies! There are so many that I want! I've been browsing the shop for a while now trying to pick my fave for a pic here and I can't seem to do it. So, here's a cool one and make sure you check out the shop!

I thought I was done for the evening (enough procrastinating, must get to work) and then I stumbled upod Baba Yagada's shop. And was mesmerized for the better part of an hour by the intricate details in the artwork. I am always amazed by artists that can paint or make digital creations. These are amazing. I would love to have this one for my children's playroom...

I had to enlarge it so everyone can see the two costumed children on the back of this creature. I love it! You've got to check out this shop!

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