The Bolsas Crabtree Co. based in Guadalajara, Mexico has been in business since 1993. In early 2009 this family-owned and operated company decided to take their amazing handbags into the American market. After conquering the Latin market with almost 1,000 shops and boutiques that carry their handbags, Crabtree looks to dominate the American market as well. My opinion is that it will not take long for this company and these purses to become a household name and a go-to accessory.

The handbags from Crabtree are above reproach. The over 50 styles of leather bags are handcrafted from the finest leather and are 100% real. In addition, you'll find an additional 50 styles of non-leather handbags that are just as chic. One look at the handbags from Crabtree and you will be just as hooked as I was. First, there are just so many styles to choose from. I have spent hours browsing the Crabtree site and have found a new favorite bag every time I venture over. It doesn't matter what size or what color bag you favor or need. Crabtree will have a bag that you will fall in love with. I will also guarantee you that once you own a Crabtree handbag, you will want more.

The prices of the handbags at Crabtree are outstanding. Really, I was blown away at the affordability of these purses. I have never seen such stylish 100% leather purses for the prices that Crabtree offers. Let's face it, not every woman can afford a few thousand dollars on a designer handbag. Why should you have to sacrifice style and craftsmanship for affordability? At Crabtree you won't have to. Every single bag is beyond affordable and you can be sure that your bag will last as long as the classic styles. These bags are high quality and the leather is phenomenal.

The brown Bucket Leather Purse that I own is definitely one of my Go-To purses. I use it all the time. It's big enough for me to use as a purse and a diaper bag in one and be fashionable at the same time. The leather of this purse is so soft and the color is beautiful and classic. I really like that the purse isn't lined. It's just pure leather and it makes the bag more flexible. The inside boasts two huge pockets and a middle area that is huge. This allows for so much storage inside the bag and that is super important to me. The middle of the inside is actually big enough for me to put my laptop in. I can organize my things and my diaper bag essentials and keep them all separate and know where everything is. These are always features I look for in a big bag and this tote from Crabtree has them all. In addition, the top has a magnetic closure, which I love, and the purse has an attached key holder which is so very nice. I'm always searching for my keys in my purse so it's great to have the key holder already attached to the inside of the bag. If you like the medium Bucket Purse like I have but, need even more room, don't worry. Crabtree offers this same purse in an even bigger size. The larger Bucket Purse would be a perfect carry-on or travel bag.

There are so many purses that I am in love with at Crabtree Handbags and I highly urge everyone to check out their fantastic selection and amazing prices. With the new launch in America, there are a lot of really exciting things happening in this commendable company. On December 9th-10th, Crabtree will join other fantastic businesses for their first Shecky's event in Los Angeles. Shecky's is an online and event desitnation for what's cool and undiscovered in Fashion, Beauty and Fun. You can check out Shecky's site to learn more about them and go see Crabtree at the event in December for some great fashion, introduction of their new/fall line, and a lot of fun.

Must Have!
Head over to Crabtree and scoop up an armful of these hot purses. Check out all the bags you can get for only $25 after your first purchase! That is enormous savings, especially when you consider how affordable the bags already are. In addition, Crabtree offers free shipping and no sales tax on all orders in the continental US.

Win It!
Want to win the medium leather Bucket Purse like I have? Head over to Crabtree and check out their selection. Then come back here and fill out the entry form below.

US only

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